Q: What do Tabichain's performance metrics look like?
A: Tabichain has the following properties: Block time: Block times varies, for latest feel free to check it out at https://testnetv2.tabiscan.com/blocks.
Transactions per Second (TPS): This can vary but the following should help with the number of possible transactions (Block gas limit (30m) / Average gas limit per txn) / Block time (3s) = TPS.
Q: What is $TABI
is the native token on TabiChain.
token has two main uses on the Tabi network:
- Transaction payments on the blockchain (also referred to as the “gas token”).
- Staking to activate validator nodes. The combined economic value of all staked $TABI tokens forms the underlying security foundation.
Q: What is $veTABI
A: $veTABI
is a voucher token on TabiChain generated by Captain Nodes for exchanging $TABI.
is non-transferable but can be redeemed for tradable $TABI
via TabiStation.
For detailed redemption plans, please refer to TabiStation.
Q: What is a Validator?
A: A validator can refer to three things:
- A blockchain node being run to validate transactions, produce blocks and come to consensus with other validators in the network
- The entity that owns and operates the validator node
- The blend of points #1 and #2 that manages governance
Q: Why should I delegate my $TABI
A: Delegating $TABI
allows you to participate in helping secure the network.
Q: Why should I delegate my $TABI
A: Rewards are the main reason.
With Proof of Attention, you can earn many different types of rewards:
Q: How do $VeTABI and $TABI
A: You can convert them at Tabi Station. Details can be checked in Convert Strategy.(link)
Q: What is governance?
A: Governance is the process by which the community decides what changes are made to the TabiChain protocol. This includes how the node is upgraded and what parameters are set for various components on the chain.
Q: Can only Validators vote on or create proposal?
A: Anyone with $TABI
can propose and vote on proposals.
Q: Can validators with $TABI
alone build blocks and what are the rewards?
A: Yes, validators would get transaction fees and a $TABI
base rate sent to their validator address.